Cranberry Orange Walnut Beer Bread | Becky's Mindful Kitchen

I love experimenting with beer when it comes to cooking. It is always fun to mix together two things that have such similar beginnings in the culinary world. The first beers and breads were the result of the same ingredients water and cereal grains with the addition of accidental yeast. The grain for the bread is ground however and baked. Want to learn how to make your own signature beer bread? Grab a few friends and sign up for a private group class. The host of the class gets to come for free! Here are a few reasons why I love baking beer bread, feel free to add your own in the comments section. 

  • It makes for the perfect house warming/game watching/dinner/ whatever party present. Simply pick up a 6-pack of whichever beer you are going to bake with, use one bottle for the bread and bring the remaining 6 pack with the loaves of bread to the party. You get to highlight not only a favorite brew but get bonus points for showcasing it in bread as well.
  • The sweet beer breads, like this recipe for Cranberry Orange Walnut Beer Bread, make for a perfect addition to a breakfast or brunch and are memorable because people don’t equate beer bread with a sweet bread. Basically you look like an ingenious baker.
  • These breads are quick, easy and as long as you have beer on hand, the ingredients are commonly found in all kitchens.
  • No kneading required, no rise time. If kneading is what keeps you from bread making, start with an easy bread like the one below.
  • Beer bread is the ideal hearty bread for hot sandwiches, soups, stews, you name it. 
  • You can freeze it away but like all homemade breads, slice the loaf first so you can just pull out the number of slices you need instead of sawing through a frozen loaf.
  • The varieties of beer bread are endless, I love adding bacon and peppers, cheese and garlic, berries, vanilla, etc. Match the ingredients to the beer and with the variety of beers now available you can have a lot of fun.


Cranberry Orange Walnut Beer Bread

Author Becky's Mindful Kitchen


  • Beer Bread
  • 2 cups organic all purpose flour
  • 1 cup barley
  • 1/2 cups oats
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar or sucanat
  • 1/4 cup honey or molasses
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp orange extract
  • 1/2 cup cranberries
  • 1/2 cup walnuts chopped
  • 1 bottle Leinenkugels Orange Shandy
  • Glaze
  • 1 to 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp orange extract
  • 3-4 T organic milk


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Mix the dry ingredient and add in the wet ingredients.
  • Add in the beer and stir until combined.
  • Transfer to a loaf pan (this makes two loaves) and bake for 45 minutes
  • Glaze
  • Combine the ingredients well with a whisk and pour over the loaves when completely cooled.

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