Mascarpone Cheese

Author Becky's Mindful Kitchen


  • 2 cups heavy cream from grass fed cows I recommend Kalona Supernatural brand
  • 1 T white vinegar or lemon juice
  • candy thermometer


  • In a nonreactive pot heat the cream to about 190 degrees and stir in the 1T vinegar or lemon juice. Continue to stir for a few minutes at 190 degrees until the cream can coat the back of your spoon. You will not see the thick curds like you do when making ricotta cheese. Turn off heat and let cool until at room temp. This can take up to 45 minutes if you are trying to manage your time cooking wise. Take a dish towel and fold it in two or use multiple coffee filters and line a strainer over a bowl. Pour in the cream and let strain in the fridge overnight or for 6-8 hours. You can use the cheese before then if you want the consistency to be more liquid than solid.

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